About Us
Welcome, Karibu!
South Coast Residents Association (SCRA) is based in Diani Beach and acts as a support function to the residents along the south coast of Kenya. SCRA is a non-for profit, non-religious, non-political and multi ethnic Association whose mandate is to liaise with the local Government authorities, to act as a watch dog, to help provide and improve the social and communal services to which residents are entitled and to conserve and improve its environment. Our new devolved Government is proving to be very accessible and forthcoming, and we look forward to our continued relationship with them. SCRA represents over 1,000 people including residents, hoteliers, bankers, local businesses, fishermen, youth groups etc.
The Association was founded in 1983, originally called Likoni & South Mainland Residents Association. It worked successfully out of Shelley Beach then sadly came to a standstill until it was decided to bring the Association to Diani and resume all its efforts.
SCRA is a non-political, non-profit making, non-denominational and non-racial welfare association which seeks to access to public services and our objectives are to advance and promote the interests of residents and owners of property on the south coast from Likoni to Lunga Lunga. In particular, we provide an avenue for representing your interests to and liaising with all Government of Kenya Ministries, Kwale & Msambweni District Offices and also Civic Society.