Stone cutting and sand harvesting have devastating effects on our eco-system if not properly managed and regulated. In the past few weeks SCRA has taken steps to fully engage the National Government and the County Government on this very emotive topic. The response from both has been positive and I will keep you all informed on the progress made. The SCRA Committee & I are attempting to re-define engagement with the various stake-holders in the region. SCRA cannot operate as an island and the more we engage, the more we will be able to address our collective issues, however big or small. For now I ask for the indulgence of members in allowing some of these issues to be addressed. That said, any comments, suggestions or observations are always welcome to improve SCRA’s impact and relevance to the community at large. Further, as mentioned in the first issue of Wa Pwani, short write-ups are welcome from members that can be emailed to the address provided. Information is power. Stay informed!
George Mokaya
Chairperson – SCRA
email: chair@scra.co.ke