Apologies: Maureen Njeri, Wambui Ngunja, Wim Fabrie, Paul Savage, Mandy Woodhouse, Horst &
Ursula Weidlich, Sally & Steve Mullens, Luciana Parazzi, Vanda Harries, George Jaramba
Attendees: Angie Demarani, Bruno Baumann, Mick&Gill Bell, Bora bora Wildlife Park, Graham
Bowcher, Jane Bowen, Mike Bowen, Paul Bromfield, Derek Brunner, Colobus Conservation, Kelly
Martin, Isabella Cottini, Mark de Bruin, Anja den Toom, Bettina Eisenmann, Stephanie Fernandez,
Gerald Gambo, Hans-Juergen Golze, Vanessa Kamau, Rafique Keshavjee, Tina King, Kusini Cottages,
Iain&Antonia Leckie, Stan Kinsch, John&Hilary Lockhart-Mure, Onesmus Macharia, Susan Maingi,
David&Suzie McKelvie, Linda Murithi, Njoroge Nganga, Juma Sadick, Birgit Rehfeld, Susan ScullCarvalho, Nathan Bosire, Adam Tuller, Nicolette Vander Pias, Pennie Warren, Thijs Westra
Invited guests: Nuru Mohamed (for CEC Environment), Hamisi Mwandaro (manager Diani
Municipality), Jakob Orhale (KWS Kwale)
MIN 1: Opening remarks – Vice Chair
The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chair at 3.40 p.m. He went on to welcome all to the
meeting. This was followed by the introduction of office bearers, committee members and subcommittee members. The meeting was also streamed live on Zoom and some of the above members
attended online.
The minutes of the previous AGM and SGM were proposed by Birgit and seconded by Stan.
MIN 2: Election of Office Bearers
For all office bearers there was only one person proposed. Therefore, formal voting was not held.
Position of Office Bearers:
Chair: Stan Kinsch
Vice-Chair: Maureen Njeri
Secretary: Aaron Issar
Treasurer: Wambui Ngunya (assistant treasurer: Jane Magondu)
Committee members: Birgit Rehfeld, Susan Maingi, Stephanie Fernandez, Onesmus Macharia, Gerald
Gambo, Nathan Bosire, George Jaramba, Luciana Parazzi (ex-officio)
Sub-committees: Adam Tuller, Njoroge Nganga, G.B., M. L.
MIN 3: Consideration of accounts
The audited accounts had been distributed via WhatsApp and email to all members. No questions
MIN 4: Changes in Constitution
The members agreed to remove the annual membership subscriptions fees from the constitution and
to review them annually in the AGM. For the year 2023 it was agreed that the individual membership
will go to 3,000 KES, the family membership to 5,000 KES and corporate remains at 10,000 KES.
(voted by show off hands – more then 2/3 of the attending members vote “yes”)
The members agreed to change the passage in the constitution about proxy votes. Proxy votes can
be submitted up to the meeting/in the beginning of a meeting. (voted by show off hands – more than
2/3 of the attending members vote “yes”)
MIN 5: achievements and current plans of SCRA
All achievements available on the SCRA website:
MIN 6: Garbage
Susan Scull-Carvalho reported that her project is rebranded to Kwale Recycling Centre. It is now in
partnership with Kwale County Government and Diani Municipality. They have 2 ½ acre in Muhaka.
To start with a recycling plant and to get funds from a Canadian supporter it needs 250 tons p. month
collection. “We need to add value to trash” so that in future people who are collecting trash can be
paid for their collection. They also partner with an organisation from Watamu. In future it is planned
to start with organic waste and in Muhaka they will start with producing manure and bio gas.
MIN 7: Noise
Noise is an icreasing problem. As permanent noisemakers are identified:
Manyatta, Bahari Dhow, Treehouse at Diani Stars, the smaller bars around Tandoori and Juhudi Bar in
Those members suffering can be added to the WhatsApp noise pollution group (kindly inform Stan to
add you). Godfrey Wafula (NEMA Kwale), Khamisi Mwandaro (manager Municipality) and Dr. Joseph
Indo (Director of Environment at the Kwale County Government) are group members so the
authorities are informed and they can act. Its important to report when the noise is happening. Mr.
Mwandaro will try to talk to the noise makers.
Mr. Mwandaro (Municipality manager) about noise:
If hotels/bars apply for an event license, the neighbourhood has to be informed.
Diani Stars: he has instructed them to put down the music from 8pm.
Manyatta has not been given a NEMA licence. They constructed a sound proved area but they
haven’t yet started to use it.
In case of noise Mr. Mwandaro can be called any time 0722 346 457.
MIN 8: baboons and other primates
The population is growing and conflicts with human are on a rise. Adam Tuller (honourable KWS
warden) informed the members about a meeting with KWS senior warden Jacob Orahle, Nancy
Mungania and Susan Maingi from Colobus Conservation. More deforestation leads to a lack of food
and shelter for the primates. Solid waste and feeding animals change their habitat. More nonindigenous trees are replacing indigenous trees which are not giving food to the primates. So, the
baboons are forced to come to disposal areas and also other primates start to suffer.
- awareness creation of visitors and non-feeding signboards in hotels
- proper disposal waste in hotels, cottages and residential compounds. Closing doors and windows to
make it unattractive for the primates - conjunction KWS with Colobus Conservation. In planning: contraceptives for baboons
- support of community forests, national parks and reserves to keep and restore habitat
- support of planting indigenous trees to bring more food for the primates
- stricter environmental audits for developments and food trees in each development
- there is no fast solution: no transfer of animals to other areas
Kelly (Conservation Education Society) is in contact with a project about urban baboon population.
Fencing could be one of the solutions. Susan reports about Singapore and how they have been
successful with contraceptives through darting.
MIN 9: house crows
Adam reports that 13 years ago starlicide was very successful in Mtwapa. It kills the crows and is
vanishing quickly so that it is not a threat for scavengers. For the current project the paper trail is
completed and 2 kg (will be enough for approx. 150,000 animals) of starlicide are coming in. They
plan to start at the veterinary grounds in Ukunda. Meanwhile the crows are also spread in Tsavo up
to Mtito Andei and the population is around 5 million birds.
MIN 10: cats and dogs
The Chair informed members that there will be an exercise for castration and sterilization of cats and
dogs. It is free of charge and it will happen on 2nd of April from 09:00 am to 03:00 pm at Showground.
MIN 11: security
Nathan reports that there was only one incident in the last 3 month. Diani is secure but the roads are
not. It needs a regulation of Tuk Tuks as we have more and more hit and run incidents. The Tuk Tuks
should get numbers so that they can be easier identified.
PROPOSED tuk tuk registration and sacco with numbers on those who are registered.
A group of thugs below the age of 20 were targeting petrol stations. After some arrests the situation
is under control.
We had several fire incidents which were a big threat for the neighbourhood. The fire engine from
the county and from SGA were able to control it. In case of fire the vehicle from the county can be
called. Kwale Fire Brigade: 0710 119 191.
Mr. Mwandaro (Municipality manager) about Tuk Tuks:
Consultations with the traffic police is ongoing. As municipality we will train the enforcement officers
and we plan to serialize the Tuk Tuks from the revenue officer. We will get our own colouring of our
Tuk Tuks. It will be easier for passengers to identify registered vehicles.
MIN 12: illegal developments
The multi-agency team that was tasked by the National Environmental Complaints Committee to
tackle illegal structures and the stone quarries in Tiwi is dragging their feet, probably mainly due to
the upcoming elections.
Mr. Mwandaro (Municipality manager) about illegal developments:
The multiagency team for illegal structures and quarrying is under the County Commissioner. The
DCC has its own team with this task. Since the DCC has been transferred it will take a bit of time to
see changes in the area. Also, the current political situation will make the situation to drag a bit.
Stone cutting in Tiwi is not in the area of the municipality and Matuga has never invited him.
The quarry opposite The Maji was stopped. Now it is operating at night. A politician came inside.
Enforcement by the multiagency team.
MIN 13: streets
The rehabilitation of the Diani Beach Road was promised for the beginning of March but has not yet
started. Tendering is still ongoing.
SCRA has initiated the installation of traffic signs with speed limits. We still need some sponsors to
adopt one or some of the signs (your business name can be advertised on the traffic sign). In case
you’re interested call Stan.
Njoroge Nganga (SCRA Sub-committee member TIWI) reported about the road from Likoni to Tiwi.
The area in Tiwi is mainly divided into big shambas from 10 – 15 acres up to hundreds af acres. Many
of this land was grabbed by officials. It was ancestral land but now it is used for illegal things.
The road from Likoni to Tiwi was already designed by 2013. The corridor for this road was already
planned in the 1960s. Since stone mining is undergoing there, the planned road construction is
getting more and more expensive each year (filling the holes). Tiwi is a high value economic area and
the road could help to stop the mining. To start with the construction of this road it will need a public
outcry. Once they start it will help to solve the land grabbing cases and also quarrying will stop. SCRA
will address this issue with the Cabinet Secretary in charge.
Mr. Mwandaro (Municipality manager) street lights:
The quotation from KPLC was delayed. We want to use our own infrastructure with some of the old
poles and we do it pole pole. One quotation is from Kongo to Nakumatt, the second is to the other
side. In some areas we will again use solar lights but the modern type without panels and batteries.
The lights on the main road will use power and not solar. A quicker solution could be to replace all
poles with concrete poles. The streetlights will be extended from mwisho wa lami to Chale. But
priority is now up to Pinewood.
MIN 14: Kayas
Gerald informed the members that the Kayas are community forests and a patch of the coastal
forest. They are important for the culture of the coastal people. In Kwale we have 28 Kayas in
different sizes which were gazetted as protected areas by the Government. As some of them are
prime land they are undergoing a lot of encroachment by local developers and politicians.
Construction and clearing is not allowed but still happening because of a lack of enforcement.
Another threat apart from development is illegal dumping and climate change. Kaya Tiwi has been
grabbed and has been fenced. Fencing is not allowed by the culture. Kaya Ukunda is taken and Kaya
Kinondo had small problems by a private developer (some huge old trees were felt down). Kaya
Timba close to Chale had special trees and was completely sold to a private person. Kaya Waa has a
lot of problems with dumping.
Mr. Mwandaro (Municipality manager) about the Kayas:
Because Kaya Tiwi was gazetted and is now grabbed the Kwale County Government went to court.
SCRA was given a certificate of recognition by the National Environmental Complaints Committee.
Njoroge Nganga went to Nairobi to receive the certificate as a representative for SCRA. We got that
certificate for our efforts for justice and conservation of wetlands. Njoroge handed over the
certificate to the Chair.
New pipelines are being laid along the roads. The project is sponsored by the World Bank. It will start
with 12 new boreholes and several dams. The pipes will bring fresh water to the households.
Connection is planned to start in August/September.
The members voted that General Meetings should be held quarterly.
The Chair ends the meeting with the words: Don’t ask what SCRA can do for you but ask what you
can do for SCRA. New members are welcome and we are not limited to add active members to our
The meeting ended at about 5pm.
Signed as correct:
Chair:_______ Date:_
Secretary:_________ Date:__